NC regulations require that the findings of a home inspection report contain the following information:

Describe : Describe the component or system of concern specific to the property inspected.

Determine : What is the concern - the malfunction, failure, or performance deficiency?

Implication : What can happen if the defect is not addressed?

Direction : What should be done?

The list below are examples of advisory, limitation, and deficiency language I use in my reports. This list is not exhaustive, it’s meant to cover less common items and is primarily intended to share with other inspectors. This industry has provided much and I’m happy to give back in whatever measure I can.


Advisories are meant to help the client better understand thier home. They are not listed as a concern and do not show up in the summary. I also use Advisories to remind clients and other interested parties of items that are not SOP (e.g. solar panels).


Advisory: If present, the age of washer water supply hoses is unknown. Failure of the lines will cause significant water damage to the underlying structure. To mitigate the possibility of rupture, the lines should be inspected routinely and replaced every 3 to 5 years.

Microwave with Recirculating Fan

Advisory: The kitchen microwave also serves as a ventilation fan over the range. Note that the air drawn into the unit above the range exhausts back into the room and not to the exterior of the home. The ventilation system includes filters that can build up with grease and should be cleaned routinely.


Limitations make the client aware of the boundaries of the inspection and provide guidance should they want more information. These are some of the less common limit

Wine Refrigerators

Limitation: Per the NC SOP, wine refrigerators are not included in the home inspection. These units often require clearance from surrounding cabinetry and sometimes require proper drainage of condensation. Ask the seller for more information regarding the unit with respect to installation and maintenance.


Limitation: Per the NC Standards of Practice, lift systems are not included in a home inspection. Elevators are complex systems involving mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic components that must be evaluated by specialists who are trained specifically in the intricacies of these systems. Refer inspection of the elevator to a contractor that is certified to perform these duties.

Note: North Carolina Elevator Safety Act, the law defines an elevator as any hoisting and lowering mechanism, with a car or platform, which moves in guides and serves two or more floors of a building or structure. The State of NC requires that elevators in properties that are rented for 15 or more calendar days meet state guidelines.

Safe Rooms

Limitation: Inspection of a "safe room" is not included in the NC SOP. An assessment of the construction and attributes (security, fresh air supply, etc..) of a safe room should be made by a structural engineer with expertise in this feature.

Retaining Walls

Limitation: Structural stability of a retaining wall is outside the scope of a home inspection. Obvious anomalies will be noted, but do not consider this an opinion of its design or structural stability. Refer to a structural engineer if you desire a thorough evaluation. Determine the ownership and responsibility for maintenance of structures on the property boundary prior to purchase.


Crawl Dehumidifier: Interior Grade

Condition: The dehumidifier is not a robust design intended for a crawl space environment.

Implication: Encapsulation systems rely on measures such as dehumidifiers to dry the air and avoid deterioration of wood structures.

Recommendation: Refer to a water proofing specialist for review and recommendations.

Note: Consider a remote system that will alert the homeowner to a malfunctioning system.

Dehumidifier: Drain

Condition: The area relies on a dehumidifier to collect and drain humidity through a plastic pipe. The drain empties directly to the plumbing waste line without the usual air gap.

Implication: Direct contact with the plumbing waste lines creates a path for contaminate migration back to the system and eventually into the air (a health hazard).

Recommendation: Refer to a qualified contractor to route the drain to the exterior and away from the foundation.

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